Update: Food Service still hasn’t returned to Everett Campus
Student Services working to reopen multiple options on campus.
The EvCC cafeteria is located within Parks Student Union. Most days the cafeteria sits mostly empty
Two years after the Covid-19 pandemic shut down the EvCC campus, some things have been slow to return to full capacity. One main problem that is still affecting students daily are the limited food services on campus. With the EvCC campus now reopened and students back in person, what is being done to get food service reopened for students? And why has it taken so long to get food back on campus?
EvCC previously tried different methods to bring food services back to campus. “Students may recall for a short time in the Fall of 2021, there were food trucks and an espresso truck on campus a few times a week,” said EvCC Executive Director of Facilities and Operations Erica Dias. However, both of those options would not last long on campus, the trucks were cut because it was deemed unsustainable and not a cost-effective option. Although since cutting the food trucks, there has been no replacement for food service on campus. That might be changing shortly as student services have a clear goal in mind to return food services to campus.
According to Dias, the first step in bringing back campus food services is to start with the coffee stand located in the Parks Student Union building. “Offerings will include coffee, beverages, and quick grab-and-go items that can be picked up between classes or meetings,” The stand inside of parks has sat empty since campus reopened. At the time of publishing this story, there has not been an official announcement or update of when the cafeteria or coffee stands will reopen to students.
Having worked in student services for over 18 years, and with now being promoted to Vice President of Student Services for EvCC, Laurie Franklin knows just how much the cafeteria means to students at EvCC. “I remember when we built (the cafe), people would get together for food,” said Franklin. Since the buffet has been closed, students have found other places to gather, leaving a void in the community. “It doesn’t feel the same,” Franklin said. The cafe was a place that was once lively and packed pre-Covid 19. But since returning to campus often only a handful of students will be in the cafeteria at once.

Students at EvCC have been wondering if the cafeteria will ever open again. One student, Mattias Lewis, wishes that the cafeteria would reopen because there aren’t a lot of options elsewhere. “There’s just vending machines and restaurants are too far away.” Nicholas Whiley also shares the same sentiment. “I wish the cafeteria was open, so we can have more options for food.”
The shortage also affects student athletes who also have the same feelings on the food services on campus. One student athlete, Johanna Schmidt, who runs cross-country, mentioned how the lack of food services is diminishing her finances. “I wish that the (cafe) was open so I don’t have to drive everywhere and use money for food.” As a student athlete, it would also allow Schmidt to get enough sleep so she doesn’t have to worry about making lunch. More food services would benefit student athletes as they try to balance school and sports on a daily basis.
According to Dias, the coffee committee is close to selecting another vendor for the school. “We hope to make an announcement very soon,” says Dias in an email. In addition to that, coffee service could be added to the stand in Whitehorse Hall. Currently the only option for coffee on campus is an automated Rubi vending machine. Hot, prepared food in the cafe could potentially be another addition to food services.
With EvCC campus life back, food services are looking to do the same. “We are working to get the kitchen cleaned, appliances repaired, and equipment ready so we are prepared when it’s time for the next phase of food service,” said Dias. The cafeteria has been shut down since spring of 2020. Now that the campus is back full of students and lively again, like how Franklin stated earlier without the cafeteria, “it just doesn’t feel the same.”
For more information on the state of food and coffee on campus you can email [email protected] or check on the EvCC website.

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