Pan; A New Twist on a Timeless Tale
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After seeing Pan I had very conflicting emotions. My inner child screamed in happiness because of the classic references but the ending scene was a letdown.
Pan, directed by Joe Wright, is a captivating bridge from reality to fantasy, but fell short in in final scenes. The movies protagonist, Peter (Levi Miller), was introduced as a brave character with strong intentions and a true purpose. Wright, did a fantastic job on creating symbols throughout the movie, displaying incredible imagery and setting the tone of scenes with use of color. However, the songs were lacking, and made me long for the days when original songs were expected and they fit the story line like a glove. The cast was male dominated with Hugh Jackman as Blackbeard and Garrett Hedlund as Hook. The two did a phenomenal job in their roles, and really made their characters believable. I was skeptical of Tiger Lilly (Rooney Mara) as the lead female character, because in the beginning she was merely a princess on the throne barely saying a word. However, she did become a bad-ass so I will leave that one alone for now. The plot was interesting, and pretty original, but made settle references to the classic Disney film Peter Pan which made the child inside me screech with happiness. The movie was great, until the final scenes when the clichés were taken too far and what was supposed to be the climax of the movie turned into a rapid ending scene with quick a transition to the credits. The ending definitely left me with more questions than answers, which was disappointing, but overall I truly enjoyed the movie and recommend seeing it at least once.

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