Parking : What’s Happening and How to Be on Time
As fall quarter hits, EvCC will be seeing some big changes in parking, due to the new University Center construction across Broadway. Jennifer Howard, Vice President of Administrative services, informed The Clipper of some very big changes and a couple tips to help you on your first day. So here’s what you need to know about the parking changes and how it will affect you. Also, some tips to survive your first week.
Big Changes:
The University Center building is taking up 198 current spots across Broadway in the current EvCC lot. However, the good news is that EvCC actually gained 16 spots in the process of construction and there are more spots closer to campus than last year. In total, there are 214 new spaces and 81 of those are much closer to the center of campus. Here’s the breakdown:
Parking lot D: Parking lot D has officially expanded for student parking and has added 81 parking spaces total. It is a gravel parking lot between Shuksan Hall, Whitehorse Hall and the Index quad. It will open on Monday Sep. 21.
Parking lot K: Parking lot K has been expanded to the North, in order to make up for some of the spots the University Center took. This expansion added 70 new spots and it should also be open on Monday.
Parking lot L: There is now an entirely new parking lot behind the Subway across Broadway. This is Parking lot L, which has 63 spots in total.
Tips to be on time:
Parking at EvCC can be difficult. Monday the 21 and Tuesday the 22, security will be out guiding traffic that’s coming into the lots, after that, here’s some tips to help you be on time for class:
- Early bird with a permit gets the worm. Howard says that peak hours are at 9:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m., so your best bet is to be here by 9:00.
- Wear walking shoes if you aren’t an early bird.
- If you are parking in lot K, beware of the white stalls. That’s plaza parking, not college parking and you can get a ticket. Unfortunately, I found that one out the hard way.
- Buy a permit ASAP. Permits are $45 plus tax to students taking over 10 credits. For students taking nine or below, credits permits are $30 plus tax.
- Bus passes are life. EvCC offers the ORCA pass which means One Regional Card for All. This pass is $45 a quarter.
- Be wary of the friendly neighborhoods. This is going to come as a shocker, but not everyone likes you parking in front of their house. So make sure to read the signs and never park too close to a fire hydrant.
- That being said, always check your closest neighborhoods before parking across Broadway especially if your building is close to Wetmore Avenue.
- Don’t be dumb. Yes, we all understand you have to be in class but it’s not worth the accident you are going to cause by running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to fight for a spot. Howard told me about multiple accidents on campus. Drive safe and keep your eyes on the road.
- Print a map. Yes it sounds strange when you can search Google for one on your phone. But, it’s a simple and convenient way to know where the heck to go. I will make it easy and leave a link on this page.
- They get it. Most teachers are no strangers to the parking situation, so instead of freaking out on your first day (like I did) relax and do your best to be on time for the next day. I have had teachers wait 10 minutes to teach for people to get there on the first day, because they know new students aren’t as aware of how crazy parking can get.
Have any tips you want to share? Go ahead and comment below. From everyone here at The Clipper good luck on your parking ventures here at EvCC.

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