Student Job Opportunities at EvCC

Savanna Eickerman

Student LIFE office located in Parks Student Union.

For those interested in working on campus, Everett Community College has a variety of job opportunities for every student, along with complete guidance of steps that have to be taken to apply for a job.

Many students are not aware of these opportunities and often wonder how or where to begin. “I felt lost when looking for a job. I went out the first week of my first quarter and I had no idea of where to go and who to ask,” said EvCC student, Vitor Cardoso from Brazil.

Providing jobs for students is a priority for the college as it opens its doors to hiring and retaining a diverse workforce. Whether an international or a resident student, the college is open to help you find a job that suits your needs.

Savanna Eickerman
Student tutor, Raymond Haug, helping Gabriel Hendrickson with calculus homework.

The different jobs offered, include working at the gym, tutoring center, and Student LIFE. Also available is a part-time and full-time scheduling option. Many students agree that a part-time job is the best option due to school homework and classes. “It’s definitely tough trying to work, go to school, do homework and then also have any social life,” said Joseph Bergmann, an EvCC student.

The jobs offered are flexible and some will allow you to do your homework while working, and others pay more but give you fewer hours a week. However, there are lots of considerations when looking for a job on campus, the reason why you should revise and carefully choose the best option that suits you.

Non-resident students who are interested in seeking a job and in need of assistance are encouraged to visit the international office, located at Gray Wolf Hall 113, to get the support needed. Vikki King, an administrative assistant at the office, helps guide international students with the whole process of getting a job.

According to Leysky Fernandez, a student ambassador for Student Life, the best way to start looking for a job is by going to EvCC’s website: Students can also visit the Student Job center located at Gray Wolf Hall 365 for information on the job application process.

“I really encourage students to work at the college. It is a very good option to gain experience and money. And for international students like me, it also helps improve our English faster and meet new people,” said Mirei Maejima, an EvCC student from Japan.

Entrance to the International education offices located in Grey Wolf Hall. International students are encouraged to contact administrative assistant, Vikki King about job opportunities.