Sharing Wheels
A Bike Shop for the Community
David Fox, a volunteer at Sharing Wheels working on a bike.
For 17-years, Sharing Wheels has been a community bike shop in Everett that has provided used bikes and affordable repairs to thousands. Their mission is to get bikes out of the landfill and affordably keep people on bikes.
Sharing Wheels (SW) is a nonprofit organization that started in 2002. Since then, it has been offering its workshop, tools and expertise to the community. They pride themselves on providing free or low-cost services to community members and the opportunity of working on their bikes. “We want people to be able to work on their bikes and have access to the tools,” says Sarah Molitch, Program Coordinator for Sharing Wheels. “I feel like it’s empowering to know how to work on your bike and be able to come here and use our tools for free,” adds Molitch.
With donations from the community, SW will restore donated bikes to their shop quality. “We refurbish and sell them, it’s more affordable than getting a new bike from a bike shop,” Molitch says.
Services they provide include an annual kids bike swap program, which they offer in June. Kids can come in and trade their bikes for a credit to get one that fits them. Last year, SW donated 137 refurbished bikes to the Everett Boys and Girls Club for their Christmas house. “The Christmas function that we do bikes for kids, that’s a neat thing to do,” says David Fox, a volunteer at SW. Fox started volunteering at the shop two years ago after his retirement and loves every bit of it. “It’s a good and fun place to volunteer. You got a lot of good people around here,” he says.
Beyond affordable repairs and used bikes, SW is an all-inclusive and open place. They welcome all, work within peoples’ budgets and offer a low-income deduction. “If someone has an EBT card or a Service card, we give them a discount. They have to tell us at the time of purchase,” said Molitch.
They also have many volunteer and service programs such as Works for Wheels, where people volunteer in exchange for credit towards a refurbished bike or significant purchase. “We accept anybody willing to learn and to get greasy,” she says.
Currently, they are doing volunteer work parties every Thursday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in preparation for Christmas. They fix bikes for donation to Christmas House, where low-income parents have the opportunity to pick out presents for their kids at no cost.
Sharing Wheels also offers bike classes for the public. The objective of this is to give people the skills to work on their bikes and to train volunteers who can help in their shop.
To serve people better, they urge the community to volunteer and donate for the right course, as all proceedings help keep up the work they do. Besides cash, items accepted for donations include quality bikes, parts, tires, tools, work stands and bike accessories. In addition to giving a bike, they request that donors make a $5 donation to help compensate the cost for new parts and to work on it.
The shop recently underwent renovation and expanded its space with new benches built in and new tool kiosks. “It is a real necessity to have a bike shop in the community. It just helps people out,” says Molitch. “We serve a great need here, we are growing and expanding, not space wise but outreach. In Snohomish County, we are like the little gem of community shops. I think the community is very lucky to have it here, and I feel more people should be aware of it.”
For more information about the services and programs provided by Sharing Wheels of Snohomish County, you can reach them at (425) 252-6952, follow them on Facebook and Instagram or visit them at 2531 Broadway Ave, Everett WA 98201. The entrance to the shop is in the back of the Broadway Mall Building.

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