Index Coming Down, Green Space Going Up

Simon Krane

Index Hall has undergone expansions and reductions since its first appearance on campus in 1968. It will be completely torn down to make room for more campus green space after summer classes 2019.


The Index Hall building will be demolished after the end of this summer quarter. The area Index Hall currently occupies will be seeded for additional grass space and will again be a thriving part of the campus by next spring quarter.

This is part of an effort to increase the amount of green space, areas dedicated to open grass, on the campus. Other campus buildings are also scheduled to be replaced with green space in the coming years. Both Baker and Monte Cristo will be removed and converted in the next ten years.

In an interview with Patrick Sisneros, EvCC’s Vice President of College Services, Sisneros said that there is no official date for when the Index demolition will start, but it will be after summer classes have completed and the campus is not in use.

The process of taking down the building and removing the debris is expected to take a couple of weeks. The area will be cleared and seeded before fall quarter.

Index Hall was originally scheduled to be demolished after 2021, but the date was moved up. According to Sisneros, this change was made because it was better “now rather than later.”

Index is one of the older buildings on campus and has become increasingly outdated. The building currently has no attached bathroom and the heating and cooling systems within the building have had issues.

Simon Krane
Index is one of the older buildings on campus and has become increasingly outdated. Its demolition will make way for an expanded green space for students to enjoy.

Index Hall is actually the last of four sections of the building. Index Hall East and West were built in 1968, while North and South were added in 1976. Over the years, sections were removed. The last two were known as Index Hall A and B, until 2014 when Hall A was removed.  

Index Hall A space was used as a gravel parking lot until 2017, when it was converted to green space. The site was a finalist in the possible location for the school’s new Learning Resource Center (LRC), but the Board of Trustees ultimately decided to build the LRC across North Broadway at College Plaza, keeping the green space on the Index site. The new Learning Resource Center is scheduled to open in 2023.

Index Hall is mainly used for nutrition and math classes. These classes will need to be relocated, though there is not an exact plan on where they will go at this point. According to Sisneros, this will be decided by the end of this spring quarter, when the college will release its own statement on the demolition.