Parking on Campus: A Visual Guide
After spending $35 to $55 on a parking pass, students at EvCC are often circling the main lots closest to campus to try to find parking. Although it may seem like time is being saved by parking closer to the building where class is located, a lot of time is wasted trying to wait for people to leave class and get to their cars. Here are some maps of alternative choices to help alleviate the stress of getting to class on time.

The ideal place to park to get to the northern part of campus is either visitor/carpool parking or parking lot D or E which is a 5-7 minute walk, but if you’re strapped for cash or the parking lot is full, parking lots H, J and northwest K are great alternatives and add anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes of walking time.

Although parking lots D and E are closer to the center of the northeast part of campus, there’s often no parking. Parking on the southeast side of parking lot K takes only 5 to 7 minutes of extra walking time to get to the Northeast part of campus.
About the Contributor

Samantha DeTavernier, Graphic Designer
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