Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán (MEChA) La Union Hace La Fuerza
Twelve EvCC students were selected to attend the 23rd annual MEChA annual conference in Tucson, Arizona from March 18th to the 20th.
EvCC students Sergio Barrera and Adan Martinez came up with the proposal for the conference. According to Barrera, the trip had been planned since summer. “We became nationally recognized MEChA chapter by November and that’s when we began budgeting and doing proposals,” said Barrera. They presented two proposals one for SDAC (Student Diversity Advisory Committee) and one for the student senate and both got approved. The senate approved for 10,000.
The students that were selected filled out an application and had to answer three questions that were given in the application. Students were notified by Sergio Barrera that they have been selected to attend the conference. An adviser whose name is still unknown has volunteered to take the 12 Mechistas to the conference.
“I became involved in MEChA because it teaches us to be aware of the problems surrounding our people”, said Jaime Zaragoza.
There will be a lot of different workshops, and keynote speakers at the conference. There will even be a protest to stand in solidarity at the national protest/action for reclaiming education as Chican@s. Systems of education in Arizona has long marginalized our communities, most notably with the banning of Ethnic Studies (HB 2281) in 2010.
“I hope learn and gain what I can from the speakers and activities to be able to bring that back to my community,” said Leticia Aparicio.
“I want to learn what struggles other Chican@s face in their communities,” said America Martinez.
For all 12 students, this will be their first time attending the MEChA national conference which will be hosted by the University of Arizona.
**The term Chican@ is not a nationality. Chicanismo does not exclude anyone, rather it includes those who acknowledge and work toward the betterment of La Raza. Founded in 1969 as part of the National Chicano Youth Conference, Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@* de Aztlán(MEChA) is the largest and oldest Chican@ organization in the United States. MECha is studentorganization that promotes higher education, culture, and leadership. MEChA was founded onthe principles of social and political liberation.

What are your future plans in journalism?
My future journalism plans is hopefully to report or cover professional soccer games. I hope to narrate games....