“Crimson Peak”: Original but Questionable
Crimson Peak falls short in horror, but makes up for it with an original plot with dark undertones
Previews for Guillermo del Toro’s newest film, “Crimson Peak” made me think this movie was going to be terrifying, but I was more worked up in anticipation for scenes I felt like were going to be scary and just weren’t. I would get ready for what I thought would be scary and just be incredibly let down. This is coming from a girl who spilled the popcorn in fear during “The Chronicles of Narnia; The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.” It was like when you heard the ice-cream man and then he was already on the next block over, a huge let down overall in the fear department.
However, the plot was more original than most and honestly it was just nice that it wasn’t a remake or a sequel. Yes, some points were flat out nasty and it did get weird, but I do have to credit the fact that it was original which is hard to come by these days. It did a lot of foreshadowing which I am not a fan of because I knew most of what was going to happen but somehow I was still left with some big picture questions which was frustrating. The ending was pretty vague and implausible… I can’t say much more without giving away major points.
Overall, honestly if you want a good jumpy horror movie rent one from Redbox, or find a different one. This wasn’t really scary it was just darker, gothic-like film. If you’re into darker tones and an original plot check this one out. However, I must warn you if you are sensitive to unfavorable topics or get queasy easily this may not be the best film for you.

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