The student news site of Everett Community College in Everett, Washington

The Clipper

The student news site of Everett Community College in Everett, Washington

The Clipper

The student news site of Everett Community College in Everett, Washington

The Clipper

Walkout for solidarity with Palestine

Clipper staff asked protesters, “Why are you here today?”
Rob Ziegler
Lilyana Salazar and Danah Marouf lead students in a Palestinian solidarity protest march.

Max McClintock

“I fully believe in and support Palestine’s liberation, I always have for many years. I was looking for opportunities to support here on campus and glad for the opportunity.”

Omar Hernadez

“It’s necessary to have a march especially with all of the protests at universities across the country, it’s important to have one here at Everett … especially with us being smaller.”

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“I believe in liberation for everybody,” said student protester Vie Schwab.
(Rob Ziegler)

Ahmed Khlfe

“I think it’s important that everyone uses their voice to raise awareness for what’s going on in Palestine because it’s a luxury for what we have here. It’s important for the people that can’t protest over there because they don’t have homes… it’s important for us to do it for them.”

“It’s our job, essentially.”

Lilyana Salazar coordinated the event.

“That’s the main goal when you do something like this is to reach people with the same passion and people you don’t know.”

“When I started to see other universities doing stuff, I started looking on our campus and I realized there was nothing here which is strange… Why are we not talking about this big current event?”

Ali Alqubtan

“I’m from Iraq… Even though I’m not Palestinian, I still show up to these meetings no matter if I’m from Iraq, from Libya, from any country in the world. I just really want to show love and support for our lovely friends in Palestine. You just feel so bad for them, over 40,000 people got killed in that country and this is the least we could do is to show up here to show our love and support. At least be here with them emotionally, if you can’t go there physically then we have to be here to show all the support that we can.”

Alyssa T.

“I don’t believe in killing innocent people.”

Kyla Capp

“Just to show support for Palestine.”

Students take to the streets in support of Palestine. (Rob Ziegler)

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About the Contributor
Rob Ziegler
Rob Ziegler, Photo Editor
What is your dream job? My Dream Job would pay me an exorbitant amount of money every Friday. I would work four days a week & have at least three months of vacation so I could travel the world & explore. I get to pick my boss. I would work with a small, young, energetic, and talented team. The work would be mostly outdoors. When you aren't doing things for the Clipper, what can you be found doing?  When I am not doing things for the Clipper, I could be found running and biking the trails on northern Whidbey Island where I live. Last summer I hiked 1400 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail. I plan to spend the summer break hiking the remaining 1350 trail miles. What is your greatest life achievement? My greatest life achievement was my work as an Aircrewman in the US Navy. I began as an acoustic operator in the P-3 “Orion” submarine hunting aircraft.  I also flew as a Rescue Swimmer/Door Gunner in a SH-60 “Seahawk” helicopter. Later I flew as a flight engineer in Gulfstream jets  and finally as a Loadmaster in the C-40 “Clipper” cargo Jets.  One of my favorite memories was performing rescues during Hurricane Katrina.

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