Ambar Martinez Strives to Continue Helping an Ever-Changing Community
Interim Director of the Academy for Social Change and Community Transformation, Ambar Martinez, Speaks About Her Plans After EvCC
Ambar Martinez, EvCC’s previous Interim Director of the Academy for Social Change and Community Transformation, has stepped down from her position and plans to continue her efforts of community transformation.
After 5 years of working at Everett Community College, Ambar Martinez, Interim Director of the Academy for Social Change and Community Transformation, has said farewell to EvCC to spend more time with family with hopes to pursue a PHD in Spanish down the road in Mexico City. In 2014, Martinez joined EvCC as the Executive Assistant to the VP for Equity & Inclusion (formerly the Executive Assistant to the Chief Diversity & Equity Officer) María Peña. Before taking the job at EvCC, she was a graduate of Washington State University (WSU) with a degree in Broadcasting & News, and in Culture & Languages, as well as teaching Spanish while working for the marketing director at WSU.
While moving closer to her family located in Seattle, she applied to multiple jobs and was ready to accept a position at a different organization when she was offered an interview at EvCC. “The position here at EvCC is one I really really liked because of the way it was written, which was described at an organizational level, meaning I was going to be able to have conversations across the college.” Martinez said about starting her position at EvCC. She saw this opportunity as a chance to bridge the gap, with having conversations between the upper levels of education and the root efforts within the community.
Being one of the many members from EvCC and within the community to help create the 5 Dimensions of Equity that can be found on the EvCC website’s “About Us” section, Martinez’s drive for continuing the work for Equity and Diversity is something she holds close to her heart. From recruitment and reaching out to students and students of color she also strives for recruiting for diversity within the college’s faculty and staff.
Biology Pre-Med student, Anna Orozco shares why Martinez is someone she looks up to. “Ambar has always said not to let people discourage your identity and use it as a way to build a community,” said Orozco, “It is the way I’ve honored my language to bridge with other students” Orozco said on how Martinez has helped her personally in the community. Martinez has led and directed many focus groups and groups of student leaders around campus in the work of equity and diversity as she understands the need for students to feel welcomed and loved for who they are as soon as they arrive on campus. One student who has not personally met Martinez but has been through equity training feels the passion for the work Martinez is spreading around the community. “She inspires me and uplifts me in the perspective of equity” said Student Ambassador Manager Jacky Guzman.

Maria Peña, Chief Diversity & Equity Officer, in her office. She says of Ambar Martinez, “she has transformed lives forever, her hand in the creation of the 5 Dimensions of Equity should never be forgotten.”
“Ambitious, creative and out of the box” are the first things to come to mind when Peña thinks about Martinez. “She has not changed a document or policy, she has transformed lives forever, her hand in the creation of the 5 Dimensions of Equity should never be forgotten. She had both hands in that dough when it was created,” says Peña. I just want to thank her for the impression and change that she has left.”
Martinez says of her departure from EvCC, “I don’t have a specific plan, I just want to go and get better for me so I can continue to contribute.”

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