Environmental Action
How Students Are Getting Involved at EvCC
(Left to right) EvCC SEA club’s advisors Laura Wild, and Nancy Vandenberg sit with members during a club meeting.
Global warming and environmental issues have been a rising concern across the nation and all over the globe. Environmental activism movements have been popping up and more people are looking for ways to help the environment. One way that EvCC students have been getting involved is through the Students for Environmental Action (SEA) club.
The SEA club was started ten years ago to bring together students and faculty members who wanted to raise awareness of problems in our environment. Each year the club continues to change and grow as new members join, but the mission stays the same: be a part of the solution.
Laura Wild, a nutrition professor at EvCC, has been the SEA club’s adviser since it began. She explains that there are multiple ways to help the environment but a big part is education. “Our environmental action is partly educating ourselves and educating others about what concerns and problems we have.”
Community service projects, letter writing campaigns and field trips are just some of the activities that SEA club participates in. While environmental action and awareness is at the heart of the club, they also make a point to have fun while doing it. Anthony Stock, SEA club President and EvCC student, describes the club as “a group of friends getting together to spread environmental awareness and have a good time outdoors.”

EvCC SEA club, working in the greenhouse located behind Monte Crisco Hall.
This quarter the SEA club has been working on propagating plants in the campus’ greenhouse, which is the process of growing a new plant from cuttings of a plant you already have. They plan to give some of these plants away for Club Fest and the rest will be used for a fundraiser in the spring. They have also been involved with the Seabin project in the Port of Everett. “The Seabin sits in the water and collects plastic and other debris, human debris, and then that bin gets picked up and cleaned daily by students,” explains Wild.
The club is always looking for ways to help on campus like teaching proper recycling, trash pick ups and setting up homes for mason bees. Environmental problems remain concerning, but Wild takes an optimistic approach. “I want to believe we can solve this, but it’s going to take people coming together and working in unexpected ways.”
For students who are looking to get involved, the SEA club is always looking for more members and encourages students and staff alike to join. The club meets every Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. in Monte Cristo Hall room 111. You can also email SEA club President Anthony Stock at [email protected] for more information.

EvCC’s greenhouse, located behind Monte Cristo Hall, is home to ongoing agricultural projects started by students and SEA club members.

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