Making Up Missed Snow Days: School Policy on Campus Closures
Students return to re-opened campus after record snowfall in the Pacific Northwest caused several days of campus closures and late starts.
There is nothing better than waking up in the morning to find out EvCC classes are canceled because the campus is closed due to weather conditions. But what does this really mean for EvCC students, are there going to be makeup days added to the end of the quarter? Where can students find this information?
Associate Dean of the Trio Program Kesia Ceniceros says, “There are a certain amount of hours that need to be completed for every course depending on the amount of credits for the course.” For a course that is five credits that means meet a total of five hours a week with an instructor.
The State of Emergency that was declared on Friday, Feb. 8 at 8 a.m. by Governor Jay Inslee means that K-12 schools may not have to make up the snow days that took place during the state of emergency. Washington State Superintendent Chris Reykdal can grant waivers for districts due to Governor Inslee’s snow-related emergency declaration. State law allows a maximum of three waiver days.

EvCC isn’t under the same policies as K-12 when it comes to making up days. K-12 has more flexibility when it comes to makeup days by extending the school year. “EvCC doesn’t have that same flexibility because there is a turnover in classes from quarter to quarter,” Ceniceros continues. In short: no makeup days.
With EvCC not having the leniency to add extra days onto the end of the quarter, it comes down to instructors to deal with the time cut. All instructors are different; some lean on internet services like Canvas, Skype, and Zoom to connect with students and get assignments done. Other instructors have to make the hard decision to cut out assignments or add to lectures to cover all the material for the course.
EvCC has an Emergency response management team that has an entire protocol for emergencies and natural disasters. From Ceniceros’ understanding, they look at the services area of the college. “We do know that Monroe and Snohomish sometimes get more snow and tend to have a larger impact on students being able to make it to the campus safely.”

If conditions are deemed unsafe for students, faculty, or staff employees, the EvCC President may declare a temporary closure of any or all entities units of the institution. All information on closures will be announced through several different sources like the main website, online through the Public Schools Emergency Communication System (PSECS), Sent via text message for subscribers, and by a recorded message on the main phone line at 425-388-9100.

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