Retail Horror Stories
We’ve all been there.
Either you’ve had to deal with an angry mom or you were the angry mom, and it’s no fun either way.
But regardless of whether you’re a former retail worker, current retail worker or just a shopper of retail stores, here are a few horrific retail stories from some EvCC students that will make you think twice about trying to haggle that poor sales associate for a better deal:

Chase Robinson is a computer science major and has been at EvCC for over a year.
Name: Chase Robinson
Job Position: Deli Worker
Retail Horror Story:
“There was one time a drunk lady came in, and she ordered a fried chicken fry and proceeded to eat it immediately. (She) got mad, and pulled her pants down and peed on the floor.”
“There’s one guy who comes in (and he’s) always dressed in a suit and tie and he wears a monkey mask. He always freaks everyone out. And since we got the security, he still comes in, but whenever he comes in, the security guards have to ask him to take it off. And usually he just leaves for a while and comes back. And he’s like holding (it) in his hand or has it around his neck instead. It’s always really weird, though.”
Name: Keegan Samaniego
Job Position: Sales Associate
Retail Horror Story:
“At Nike, people would constantly change the price tags on items to get a better deal. They would then yell at me when I corrected them. I once had someone call me a ‘fat, money hungry, pig’ after I didn’t ‘hook them up’ with a discount. People would also try to steal shoes by ‘swapping,’ or putting their old shoes into a box and walking out with new ones.”

Keegan Samaniego is a political science major and has been at EvCC for two years.
Name: Christina Carlson
Job Position: Sales and Support Generalist
Retail Horror Story:
“I’ve walked (in on) a couple having an ‘intimate’ moment in our fitting rooms. Then, I had to ring them up and it was so awkward. Another awkward situation was a customer told me a joke while I was ringing them up, and I had a cold at the time, so I laughed and snot went all over their new underwear and (the) keyboard. It was embarrassing as fuck.”
Name: Svetlana Golovin
Job Position: Sales Associate
Retail Horror Story:
“When I worked at Sunglass Hut at the (Seattle) Premium Outlets, these two guys came into the store and I was talking to them because that was my job. They seemed nice and everything until one of them started asking about my age and my parents. They were probably in their forties. Maybe fifties. They ended up leaving after spending probably an hour inside the store talking to me. About 15 minutes later, the other Sunglass Hut store calls and says two guys were asking information about me. They asked where I lived, and for my number. My manager had me hide in the breakroom because they called the store I worked at and asked if I was still there. Ever since that day, I haven’t wanted to work retail.”

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