Would you take a pie in the face for a good cause?
The Latinx Student Union (LSU) took this initiative for their Pie Throwing Fundraiser on Jan. 30 and 31, fundraising for a leadership conference they plan to attend this spring.
The club hosted this fundraiser in Parks Student Union, creating a corner of the facility dedicated to pelting their board members with plates of whipped cream. Three dollars bought a plate to throw and earn points based on where you hit the target. The winners walked away with gift cards and vouchers from Buenos Diaz, the coffee shop located in PSU.
The event planned to raise at least $250, a goal they easily cleared on their second day. LSU Club Advisor Flor Reyes said she knows the event held more impact than the profit made. “This event creates visibility and community. It shows we are here to have fun while also creating leadership and bringing representation to the college.”
Creating an environment to encourage leadership has been a long-term goal for the LSU since their reactivation in the fall quarter of 2022. They are determined to give Latinx students a place to set their bags down and connect with like-minded students.
“This club wants to be there so the community of Latinx students here can feel safe and talk about what they are going through. We want a safe place for people to share who they are,” said LSU Co-President Juli Davis-Avendano
This mission statement helped drive a new wave of members during last year’s Clubfest, growing the team from a few board members to a community of over a dozen. With new numbers came a drive to generate more outreach events. The Latinx Student Union were behind some of the most notable student-led events in 2023, including their Dance Your Stress Away event in May and their Latinx Heritage Month celebration this past October.
They have also been inclusive of all those interested in Latinx history and culture. The club does not hold any restrictions in regard to the race or ethnicity of their members.

“We are open to anyone from any culture,” said Co-President Dafne Pinon.
“We have had people come to events who are Colombian, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Costa Rican, Chilean, all over the world,” said LSU member Lilyana Salazar.
The team wants the diversity of the club to draw in anyone with a passion for leadership and a desire to explore the Latinx culture on campus. Fundraisers not only act as a way to attract potential members, but as a way to provide resources that encourage empowerment.
Using the money raised during events, the club hopes to travel to the Latinx Leads Student Leadership Conference held annually at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. According to the organization’s website, they boast the largest national gathering of Latinx student leaders and campus advisors set on discussing critical issues in higher education.
The leadership organization’s website states, “Through experiential workshops, keynote sessions, and round table discussions teams of students will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills needed to advance Latinx-related causes and increase their participation in leadership roles within their campuses.”
Club Representative Melissa Angeles-Robles discussed what this conference could do for the future of the Latinx Student Union.
“Leadership is a way to be empowered. Latinx people are spread out across the country and culturally we all have different experiences. Seeing how representatives from other cultures lead would be empowering to us.”
The club has their mind set on expanding over the next few years. Davis-Avendano hopes that the next slate of club members are just as passionate about creating change as their current team.
“We want someone to lead who is hardworking and passionate about creating a foundation. We also want to have a good impact on students so they want to lead or start their own club.”
New members are more than welcome to stop by and interact if they hold interest in the club. Angeles-Robles hopes that students who may be hesitant to connect on campus use the Latinx Student Union.
“Higher education can be scary. This club can help you find a sense of community so we can build each other up.”