Capital Projects Timeline
Construction Noises, detours and a change of scenery has been prescribed to the EvCC campus.
EvCC announced major construction projects. With additional plans of demolishing two landmark buildings changing the landscape of campus for 2022 and 2023.
Cascade Learning Center Projects announced for the 2022-2023 School Year:

The Cascade Learning Resource Center (CLC) began construction in Sept. of 2021, with construction supposed to be ending in Jan. of 2023. Doors are scheduled to open later in April.
The location of the CLC has been controversial; The location of the building will be across Broadway.
A Broadway Pedestrian Bridge has been announced but no construction timeframe or date has been given. Washington State Legislature has granted EvCC $12.1 million to build the bridge. The bridge is being built in response to the controversy of the construction of the CLC and its inaccessibility to the rest of campus, especially to those facing disability.
The CLC will include space for students and instructors to attend class, while also providing the new home for the tutoring and writing center. With EvCC’s intention for it to be a space for instructors to try out new and potentially innovative learning methods.

The Eagles Lodge, located on 1219 Broadway was purchased by EvCC to provide a parking lot for the CLC, with the demolition of the lodge already completed this spring quarter of 2022. The location will add approximately 66 parking spaces and will be a five minute walk to get onto campus.
Proposed Projects for the 2022-2023 school year:
Montecristo Hall is lined up to be demolished in early 2023, after the CLC is finished with construction. This building was built in 1957 and will not be replaced. Instead, there are plans of turning the site of the building into a green space, with intentions of new landscape to be designed there.
Baker Hall is being planned to be demolished and relocated to the east side of Broadway. There have been no announcements on what will replace the building on its original site.

The Index lawn will be adding two new buildings to its 50,000 square foot field. These two buildings will consist of an outdoor amphitheater as well as a proposed greenhouse. Construction is said to begin in the fall of 2022.
These two Index lawn projects are being paid for via the Student Campus Enhancement Fee, a $5 fee per credit which is included in tuition payment.
Student Response to the Capital Project:
One writing center tutor, Shae Mitchell, expressed their concern, “We get so little foot traffic already… I can’t imagine what it will be like if they move the writing center.”
Another tutor, Mia Zirkle, responded “There are a lot of people facing disability that use this building [the writing center], it would be extremely inconvenient if they had to go all the way across broadway to access it.”
The next couple years will bring a lot of change to campus. The Clipper will continue to report on this upcoming transformation of campus as new information appears.

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