Would the Cosmetology Program Like to Move On EvCC’s Main Campus?
Georgia Buchanan working at the front desk of the EvCC Cosmetology school.
Cosmetology school is a commitment of time and money, and sometimes a lack of the college experience. Students have applied to the EvCC beauty school just to find out that the cosmetology campus is away from the main campus; this means that there is a disconnection from college grounds and campus environment.
Everett Community College’s cosmetology school is located in Marysville, Washington and is a 1730-hour program. In addition to working these hours, they have to complete the program made up of hair, natural nails and basic skin care services. Once these are all completed, students are then required to pass a state board licensing test to be certified as cosmetologists.

Students, faculty and staff at EvCC Cosmetology feel like they are missing out on clientele interaction from the EvCC community. Stephani Pimentel, a student in the cosmetology program, says, “we don’t get many clients from the main campus.” This not only supports the Cosmetology students, but it also helps them create a clientele they could depend on after graduating from the program.
Faculty in cosmetology spend most of their day on the salon floor, Lucia Munoz is a faculty member at EvCC’s cosmetology program. Munoz says, “I feel like our students would benefit from being on campus. Networking, commuting and events are all important parts of community college culture. It would be beneficial to see faces because most of our interaction is through email. We would love to interact with colleagues and students and have them as our clientele.” To become part of their clientele, you can find the menu of services here.

Pimentel says she would enjoy being on the main campus as well. She has been at the program since last fall and has one more quarter until she graduates. Pimentel says, “I do not feel connected to the college but I always say I am from EvCC Cosmo. If anything, it would be nice to be part of the main campus. I would like for students, staff and faculty to see what we do for our work. We do some creative stuff in cosmetology. I feel like the college hardly knows we exist. “I did not know about clubs, clubfest or welcome week due to the distance, ” says Georgia Buchanan who has been at the program since April.
As an institution, it is important to listen to the needs of the individuals attending the cosmetology program. Since the program is so far away from all of the excitement that happens at EvCC, this program would like to move closer to our Everett campus.
Pimentel says, “It would be nice to be a part of the main campus since we are part of Everett Community College. We would love to get the experience of the community college and be able to interact with other students.”

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