Be Creative With the Express-It Club
One of the newest clubs here at EvCC, the Express-It club focuses on the ability of its members to explore creativity through a variety of mediums. Its president, Candace Yost, says she can’t wait for the club to become more established and grant as many students here on campus as possible the ability to express themselves in a creative manner, including other clubs.
“I like to do things that get you moving, hands on stuff like dancing,” Yost admitted with a smile. “There’s a possibility of us working with the dance club eventually. I also love writing different forms of poetry and stories so there’s always room for that to work with the writing club in that sense.”
As for the activities the club has done so far, they’ve done craft projects using household items, which they plan on doing more of next quarter. Yost said they would also like to paint more, as well as draw, write, and even do some computer art.
Yost added very adamantly that not only does Express-It like to work cooperatively with other clubs, but they have a passion for helping new clubs get on their feet, “If they have a club who are very passionate and brand new we want them to be able to come to us and say ‘hey, we wanna work with you, we wanna do something amazing’.”
Currently, the Express It club has about a dozen members or so, but they are actively recruiting anyone who wants to broaden their horizons. If you’ve got a creative itch that needs scratching, these are the folks with the right tools to help you get those hard to reach spots.

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I hate to admit it, but I originally came here just for the credits ... I was a Navy Photojournalist for six years and needed...