Apply To Graduate, Finish Your Degree
As the end of the year approaches, so does the end of yet another quarter here at EvCC. For some, this also means an end to their training and the time has come to transition from student to a contributing member of society.
Whether you came to EvCC for a certificate or a two-year transfer degree, at some point all training programs come to an end. In order to finish a program there’s one thing that every student needs to do, and that’s to request to graduate.
You might be thinking, “but why do I need to request to stop something? Once my classes are done, shouldn’t that be enough?” In some professional cases, yes, but in the scholastic world you need to request to complete and graduate from your academic plan; otherwise they think you’re still trying to finish the required classes.
Not too difficult a task, really. All you need to do is head down to the registration office in the Parks Student Union Building, Room 201, to fill out and submit the appropriate paperwork as you approach the end of your program. Before you know it, you’ll finish class and be headed up to stage to the sound of Pomp and Circumstance receiving your diploma.
So what are you waiting for? Fill out those forms, nail the final, and get the recognition you worked so hard for.

How did you get here?
I hate to admit it, but I originally came here just for the credits ... I was a Navy Photojournalist for six years and needed...