PNW Outdoors: Howarth Park
Looking for a way to take a minute to yourself? Put the electronics down and connect with the natural world.
View of the Puget Sound from the middle level lookout of Howarth Park.
With midterms coming, EvCC students may be looking for a place to take a minute to disconnect from social media and have some time to themselves. Howarth Park is about a 15 minute drive from EvCC where there is a spectacular view of the Puget Sound.
Howarth Park is a three-level, dog friendly park with trails connecting all the levels. Each level has its own parking lot, with amazing views that seem unreal.
The top level offers not one, but two playgrounds, just a little ways away from the parking lot. The playgrounds are adjacent to an open field surrounded by trees with a view of the Puget Sound. The only restrooms in the whole park has are also located on this level.

The path leading to the play area at Howarth Park.
Note: The main trail connecting the top level with the other levels is closed till further notice due to some fallen trees from a storm, but there is a smaller trail that goes along the side of the road and connects with the middle level.
The middle level has a small parking lot that overlooks another, smaller, open field surrounded by trees with a couple of picnic tables. This level gives the most access to trails with options leading through the trees or down a short flight of stairs that meet with the main bridge where all the paths from all levels converge. The bridge crosses over train tracks and the path continues to the beach
The bottom level has the biggest parking lot of all the levels, and is almost completely surrounded by trees. Though this level lacks the views or play equipment of the other levels, it has a short trail through the trees that leads to the park’s main bridge.

The main bridge at Howarth Park that leads to the beach.
All the trails meet at the bridge, where there are some breathtaking views of the open water with no trees in the way. Fair warning, there are a few more flights of stairs to go before the actual Howarth beach.
Once at beach level there are two options: to the right, which is the off leash beach area for pets or to the left, which is supposed to be the no pets allowed area.
Howarth is a perfect spot for EvCC students to go and enjoy the great outdoors; it has so much to offer. Take a minute put the electronics down, breathe deeply, and connect with nature.
Nov. 1 through March 31, the park hours are 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. The rest of the year the park stays open till 10 p.m.

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