EvCC Students Gather to Create Fishnet Knotting Art
Kristen Kelsey displays her fishnet knotting creation.
Students gathered at Whitehorse Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 24th to learn the art of Japanese fishnet knotting from nationally recognized Japanese artist Nitta Koyoko. It was all smiles and busy hands as the students were engaged and excited to be learning the art of fishnet knotting.
“(Fishnet knotting consists of) wrapping around your fingers and making cinch knots until you die,” said EvCC student Kristen Kelsey. “It’s very technical, you have to know how to move each finger or you lose your loops as your yarn just goes everywhere.”

A pile of yarn and string donations for the hitahiro art project.
“Until it’s done, it basically just looks like a giant mound of knots,” said EvCC student Jay Morton.
EvCC students enjoyed learning the skill. Some students partook to add to their repertoire of arts and craft skills. “I already do embroidery, this is just another thing I’m learning that I can do on my free time,” said EvCC student Terra Burke, “I enjoy it a lot”.
The workshop attracted students from all different backgrounds as well, from students attending EvCC to strengthen their art skills for video game design like Matthew Horsley to Psychology students like Kristen Kelsey, learning a new hobby or skill.
The demonstration attracted a large group of about 35 to 40 students. Kyoko had her hands full jumping from student to student admiring their concentration and care for the end product, an array of knot after knot resulting in a stunning piece of art.

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