Distinguished Alumni Honored
On June 10 there will be a ceremony held for EvCC’s 2016 distinguished alumni. EvCC is honored to give recognition to two alumni. The first, Kim Williams went to EvCC for an Associates Degree in nursing. She then went to Bellingham where she was employed at St. Josephs Hospital for 25 years. Secondly, an award will be given to Bill Fulton who has run his own accounting business since 1978, and is known for being a local community leader. He was also recognized twice by the association of Washington School Administrators as a citizen’s community leader of the year in the Snohomish School District. This is the tenth year the Alumni Association has named distinguished alumni, and the highest honor to give to EvCC alumni.

What interests you about journalism?
Journalism interest me because I enjoy getting the word out on important issues.
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