Halloween Haunts the Halls of EvCC
Students Celebrate with Costume Contest and a Haunted House
Different Clubs set up booths to advertise themselves to students during the costume contest.
This is Halloween and everyone certainly made a scene here at EvCC. Not one, but two creepy crawly events took place on campus.
On Friday, International students came together to celebrate and entertain those who entered their haunted house. International student William Chou was the mastermind behind the and his friends worked to create a spooky experience for all. The sliver of moonlight provided the backdrop for the night as people young and old lined up to enter the house located inside the International Education floor of Gray Wolf Hall. Enthusiastic conversation, laughing, a howl and scream or two surrounded the event. The excitement was palpable, as one student exclaimed, “Yes!” upon his exit from the house before hurrying to go through again.
Halloween Monday offered its own dangers as the scariest, funniest, and greatest witch or wizard materialized at the costume contest during EvCC’s Club Fest. Student Leader Isabella Jardim Rodrigues put on a show as the organizer and host for the Halloween costume contest which took place at the Henry M. Jackson Conference Center. The DJ provided some music for the event as both students and staff made their way to the stage and showed off their costumes. The student winners walking away with $50 Visa gift cards were Colleen Alvarez for Funniest costume, Chien Nguyen for Scariest, and Hans Hoskins for Best witch/wizard.

When you aren't doing things for the Clipper, what can you be found doing?
I can usually be found in the forest photographing anything interesting....