The “New Normal” Holidays
Photo from unsplash
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently released a holiday guideline for this year’s holiday season celebrations and travel; so how are holiday celebrations going to look this year?
Last year many spent the holidays alone, which was a big deal since the holiday season is about spending time with the ones you love most. Many were not able to travel to visit family and friends for the holidays. We spent the holidays grieving and worrying as the number of COVID-19 deaths kept rising. There seemed to be no end to this on going nightmare of the pandemic.

This year we might see the light at the end of the tunnel! With us having precautions of course. Holiday celebrations are coming around the corner fast and many are getting ready to endure festive celebrations with one another. So what is different this year compared to last year? Last month the Center for Disease Control and Prevention released a travel guide for this year which provides steps for people to follow to have safe holiday celebrations. These recommendations will be updated as more people get vaccinated.
Compared to last year, holiday gatherings might be able to happen as long as people in the gathering are fully vaccinated as well. If you have no idea of the vaccination status of someone or are in a community where the COVID-19 rate is high, you should wear masks to protect yourself and those around you. At least 58.5% Americans are vaccinated, if you are currently unvaccinated and want to travel, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has recommendations for unvaccinated travellers but it is advised to be vaccinated. You can visit to find a location to get vaccinated.

With the news of being able to travel this year and feeling much safer with the vaccine, EvCC students are excited and are looking forward to the holidays. Bianca Barragan, student at EvCC, states that “This year, I am excited to actually reunite with family members without the fear of not having the vaccine. Compared to last year, my immediate family spent the holidays alone while this year, we are traveling to Mexico!”
“I am excited to be able to gather with my family honestly without masks because many of them have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine,” Ruth Belokon, student at EvCC, states, “I am absolutely less worried and stressed about being around others without a mask.”
Overall the celebrations of the holiday season are not back to what we would call normal nor the way we would celebrate pre-COVID. This year’s new normal of holiday celebrations will allow us to not spend holidays alone compared to last year. So get your recipe books, suitcases, masks, and vaccine cards out and get ready to celebrate the holidays together.
If you are in need this fall and winter here are some resources for you:
For need of dry shelters
Food banks near you
EvCC food pantry

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