Behind the Wheel: Pablo Yeo’s California Special Mustang
Pablo Yeo is an EvCC student with a passion for high octane cars and mechanical engineering.
What’s your dream car?
Pablo Yeo: 2005 Ford GT.
What are you trying to do with your degree?
PY: I am trying to move up in my company or move on with the mechanical engineering degree with an emphasis in aerospace.
What do you want to do with your Mustang?
PY: I would like to add an On3 twin Turbo setup with supporting fuel injectors and boost pumps and replace the Oil gears with MMR gears also have a set of weld racing slicks.
Where did you learn about cars?
PY: My passion for cars comes from my dad. He has a variety of cars and always works on them himself but he introduced my brothers and I into the car world.
How were you able to afford the mustang?
PY: I afford my mustang by being an aviation mechanic at Nabtesco Aerospace.
What interests you about journalism?
Understanding the power of news.
Where does The Clipper fit into your long-term goals?
Communication Major, so...