EvCC Town Hall Seeks to Engage Politically-Curious Students (Video)
John Yeager, right, moderates the event during the second round of the debate. The Republicans sit at the blue table, and the Libertarians sit at the red table to the right.

Plenty of students on campus are interested in politics but don’t know much about the partisan groups that make them up or aren’t aware of perspectives different from their own.
That’s what gave Cameron Calder the idea for hosting a student-led “Town Hall” style event. Representatives from the Young Democrats, College Republicans, and the Young Americans for Liberty (Libertarians) political clubs on campus will be representing their ideologies at the event in Jackson Hall February 27 from 1-3pm.
“A lot of students don’t know their ideology,” said Cameron Calder. “Some people don’t know about third parties.”
He says, “I want [this event] to be more for students interested in politics, to bolster their own opinions.”
Club representatives will be defending and debating their ideologies through a series of policy questions. The event will be divided into three rounds: scripted responses to establish an understanding of party ideology, a random drawing of questions submitted to the Town Hall question box located in the Student LIFE center, and an opportunity for students to ask questions directly to the club representatives.
The debate will be moderated by John Yeager, editor-in-chief of The Clipper.
He hopes that this will open up a dialogue between students of different ideological backgrounds. He believes the student-based authenticity of this event will make it easier for students to ask questions. “It’s not so intimidating as if you were a city councilman because they’re in your class.”
The Clipper will be live streaming footage of the event on YouTube and it will also be available on our website after the event at everettclipper.com.
To make sure your questions are answered, there is a painted box in the Student LIFE office on the front desk. There are papers on top, and you can submit questions and they will be answered during the second round.

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