Expeditions Abroad: EvCC’s Study Abroad Program
Chris Reilly, Aiyana Thompson and Janice Heebsh (left to right) raising money for the Anthropology club at the recent club fest.
Humanity has conquered the globe. Over every continent on our little blue planet, you will find monuments to the skill and cunning of our ancestors. The best way to witness the brilliance of humanity is simple: See it for yourself, with the EvCC Study Abroad program.
In the past, EvCC has offered a variety of excursions, including a business internship in Japan, an expedition to Germany and a nursing service relief trip to the Dominican Republic. For those willing to take the plunge and experience a slice of life in far-off and culturally distinctive places, the program is currently gearing up for a two-week long trip to Indonesia during summer quarter.
The trip to Indonesia has occurred every two years since 2014. This time, the trip will be led by Professor Debe Franz, who went on a similar trip to Indonesia during her the second year of her own college career.
The trip will take place from June 15 to July 1 and students will have the opportunity to visit UNESCO heritage sites like Borobudur, snorkel at West Bali National Park and take a Lovina Beach dolphin tour.
Students will also assist with humanitarian programs like The Shoe That Grows, which is designed to provide hardy, long-lasting shoes to children who would otherwise be forced to go barefoot.
The cultural background of Indonesia will expose students to a variety of different peoples and styles. The island of Bali is heavily Hindu, whereas the students time on the island of Java will expose them to a majority Muslim culture.
Franz has no pretensions about the intimidating nature of travel but encourages students to take the plunge regardless. “It should be a life-altering experience.” Says Franz. “It’s a really, cost-wise, reasonable way to travel.” She believes traveling with a group should help put most students at ease, as travel groups provide safety and security, as well as being fun.
Though now lead by Franz, the Indonesia trip was originally designed and lead by EvCC Anthropology Instructor Cynthia Clarke. Now Clarke assists students by providing logistic support for their fund-raising.
Janice Heebsh, president of the Anthropology Club, was on-scene at the recent ClubFest, where her club and the Study Abroad Club raised funds together. She explained that students interested in the trip have the option of applying for a discount, where applicants can earn $10 an hour for up to 60 hours of volunteer work.

Kevin Craft, english teacher for the Washington State University study abroad program, a passionate advocate for students to study internationally.
The options for students interesting in traveling aren’t limited to Indonesia. Kevin Craft, EvCC Professor and creative writing teacher for the University of Washington’s Summer in Rome program, stated simply, “It’s not just what Everett offers.”
Students can join a study abroad program for nearly any school they like, or even go independently. Craft recommends students look at where they’re intending to transfer to, as doing a study abroad program with that school means the traveler can earn transferable credits while on their adventure.
“It’s a crucial part of any modern education,” says Craft. “There is no moment like the present for people to learn how America is integrated. Study abroad is a primary means to get people out of their bubble.”
The deadline to sign up for the trip is Feb 15, but late applications will be accepted as long as there’s room. For costs, travel rules and other information, contact Debe Franz at [email protected]