CRU Club
‘Winning People for Christ’

“We have not done any bible distributions; however, we are hoping to have one in the future!” – Nick Sorgen, club member.
Joining a club can be beneficial to making friends, feeling connected and having a constructive place to put your down time. That feeling of belonging can relieve stress and let’s be honest, having club activity on your college resume doesnt look so bad either.
Crusaders for Christ – CRU for short – is a growing club at EvCC that has a goal that reaches beyond just the students. CRU is a worldwide organization that reaches more than 2,400 college campuses and 191 countries. Originally named Campus Crusaders for Christ, this organization was founded in 1951 at the campus at UCLA. Their mission statement is, “Win, build, and send Christ-centered multiplying disciples who launch spiritual movements.”
Nick Sorgen, EvCC student who has been a part of CRU since last fall stated, “Our mission statement is ‘winning people for Christ, building each other up, and sending students from the campus out into the world.’ I think that is a great mission statement, and is something that we strive every week to achieve.”
Sorgen continued to express why he enjoys being a part of CRU. “I wanted to be a part of this club because it gives me a place every week to meet new people and fellow believers, all the while, learning and deepening my knowledge of the Bible. We engage amongst each other there and discuss similar issues we struggle with as college students. It is always a refreshing hour of the week for me.”

Nick Sorgen, club member since last fall.
Claire Calic who has been a part of CRU since last spring, when asked what the club does for activities the engage other students said, “the way we engage students is simply living out our individual lives as Christians and sharing with people.” The CRU club at EvCC has a focus on building up the individual students of the club to be compassionate and open-minded each week to send them out into the campus and world more encouraged in their faith.
Douglas Clark, Executive Director of CRU stated, “The heart of Cru on college campuses is to be living witnesses for Jesus. Our goal is to live lives that would encourage others to follow Jesus, to then build others in their faith and to teach them to share their faith with others.”
When asked why someone should join a CRU club he stated, “Every needs to belong somewhere. Cru is a strong caring community where you will feel loved and accepted no matter what you have done or where you have been.”
Crusaders for Christ meets every Wednesday in the club hub in Park building at 1:30. Coming in to say “hi” doesn’t sign you up for joining and if you’ve ever thought of joining a club, you might consider checking out CRU.