The Will to Learn: ESL Classes Bring Opportunity for Students
It all starts with a will to learn a new language to adapt to a new country and a new beginning.
For many people who just arrived to the United States from a different country, one of their goals is to learn English.
Others have been in this country for years but not knowing English and this has impaired them from opportunities.
Coming here to the United States at the age of seven was a difficult transition for me just like these students. I too was enrolled in ELL (English Language Learners) and ESL (English as a Second Language) classes throughout elementary, middle school and my freshman year of high school.*
The students who are in these programs are generally older than your typical college student. The program features students from all over the world and are willing to challenge and push themselves to learn English.
Kenneth Aguila an EvCC student from the Philippines has been here in the United States for three years and this is her first quarter here at EvCC. Aguila plans to be a business owner and that’s one of the motivations why she is learning English. Aguila plans to continue her journey here at EvCC and hopes to get her GED.
Other students like Terry Kaczymski an engineer from Poland has been here in the United States since 2009. Kaczymski is very happy with the ELL/ESL classes, her goal is to keep improving more on her grammar, “I want to speak good English so I can communicate better with other people, I want to extend my English”.
The program has benefitted a lot of students throughout the years. All of these students in the ESL/ELL program have different reasons for taking these classes. Some want to learn English for opportunities to seek better jobs. Others want to get their GED and hope to continue their college education and most importantly to communicate with other people.
Here at EvCC there are ESL/ELL teachers assisting their students in learning English and familiarizing them with American culture and working with students to reach their high potential and a better life. “The teachers are very friendly and very helpful,” said Kaczymski.
EvCC student, Alfredo Rangel from Mexico City, Mexico, is enrolled in the ELL/ESL program. Rangel has been here in the United States for 26 years, “right now I don’t speak good English but I can understand and have a conversation with somebody. My English in my case is to learn more and get opportunities”.
Note* Staff Writer Sergio Huacuja is from Mexico, and was once and ESL/ELL student. He now works at the tutoring center to help students who are currently in these programs.

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My future journalism plans is hopefully to report or cover professional soccer games. I hope to narrate games....