What is pride month and why is it important
EvCC reflects on the history of pride month and the importance it has for the LAGTQ+ community.
Man holding Pride flag at Capitol Hill Seattle WA
June 1st through 30th is a time used to celebrate pride month, not only to celebrate pride but to also honor the uprising of Stonewall. LGBTQ+ individuals and allies come together to celebrate love and advocate for the community. So what is pride month and why is it celebrated almost all across the world?

According to Kira Violette, Communications Consultant for the Diversity & Equity Center, “Pride month is a month out of the year that we celebrate our LGBTQ+. We celebrate it because of the Stonewall events back in the 60’s. A black trans woman was the first one to throw a brick to protest any anti LGBTQ+ treatment from the government and society. We have a remembrance of those who have been mistreated or harmed in the LGBTQ+ community and we also celebrate changes that have been made in society.”
Here at EvCC there are a lot of students who take pride in pride month. To Sakura Mystia, pride coordinator in the Diversity and Equity Center, “Pride Month, to me, is an opportunity to be visible, to not feel like I should be ashamed of who I am. It feels like a time where I do not have to be as afraid as I usually do.”
“Pride month means to me a month where I can express and explore my queerness. It’s a time when I see more representation of myself in the media. It’s a time where I feel my voice is heard a little bit more,” Violette says. “There are the fun parts like the pride parade and having pride flags but it is also a time where my voice and how I can use it is more important.”
Pride month has a lot of support shown to the LGBTQ+ community throughout June but most of the time companies and others often show their support for pride for only the month of June. Sakura Mystia shares her frustration. “Pride month unfortunately tends to be an opportunity for non-ideal players to pledge sympathy for me and my community, only to revoke it a month later.”

(Location Strasbourg, France) ( Margaux Bellott )
Showing support can be as small as researching what companies and corporations support the LGBTQ+ community. Also, another way is to, “be respectful of identities one is not personally used. There is always someone who will be one’s first gay person they meet, the first trans person they meet, the first asexual, non-binary or intersex person they will meet. The best thing to do is to listen and be open to ideas you are not used to,” says Mystia.
Pride month is a way for people who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community and allies to come together and celebrate. Let us also remember to show respect and support for the LGBTQ+ community and listen and advocate and as always LET’S GO TROJANS! And happy PRIDE.
June 4th Arlington’s first pride!
June 11th Spokane Pride Parade & Rainbow festival
June 12th Monroe Pride
June 14th: The Diversity & Equity Center will be celebrating Pride Month with a movie night
June 25th-26 Pride fest

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