Stay Safe: Snow Preparedness Tips
With snow coming down and more ahead, take a look at some tips to stay safe during the winter wonderland that is upon us.
Freezing snow on back streets in Tulalip, WA.
Christmas season may be over with all the beautiful lights and decorations packed away, but one thing has arrived: SNOW!
This past Sunday afternoon Feb. 3, Washington got some winter snow falling throughout the state with heavy snowfall that following day in the late 12 am – 6 am hours. Most awoke to inches of snow and school closures. In South Everett WA, there were 4 inches of snowfall with some areas seeing 7 inches. Snow melting in some places caused messy commutes. from the temperatures in the 20s across the state re-freezing the melted snow. This caused EvCC to be fully closed Monday and Tuesday.

Snow plow on 84th street Marysville, WA.
With all the frightful weather conditions on the road, here are some safety tips for driving:
- When snow falls, clear snow off the car early and often.
- Check your tires are properly inflated.
- Keep at least half a tank full of gas to avoid gas pipes from freezing up.
- Check antifreeze, headlights, defrosters and windshield wipers
- Check exhaust pipe for clogged snow/ice/debris. If clogged, you are at risk for filling the car with odorless Carbon Monoxide.
- Leave extra room between vehicles and slow down well before stop signs, traffic lights and roundabouts.
Personal safety tips:
- Bundle up! Layer Up!
- Prevent frostbite and protect your head, hands and feet. Heat-loss occurs through the scalp.
- Don’t drink or smoke before going outside in the cold for long periods of time. Alcohol, caffeine and nicotine leave the skin more prone to thermal injury.
- Take breaks from playing outside. Once inside, take off wet clothes and immediately replace with fresh dry clothing.
- When shoveling snow, push snow away instead of lifting and throwing. Always use a shovel that’s the right weight and size for you.
- Be cautious of icy areas and look up for heavy snow on trees that can fall.

ICE! Watch for snow that freezes into black ice overnight.
Fun tips for snowed-in days:
- EMBRACE! Relax from your busy schedule and have some ‘you time’.
- Always fun to be outside making snow figures and angels. Just remember the above tips to stay warm and safe!
- Keep the electronics to a minimum and utilize your time for mindfulness activities.
- Do some crafts or DIY projects.
- BAKING! Something sweet and fluffy and warm right out the oven with some hot cocoa.
- Catch up on homework (the perfect storm, the perfect time).
Be on the lookout for more snowy days coming as we are seeing snow predictions on Friday 2/8, Saturday 2/9, Tuesday 2/12 and Thursday 2/14. With more snow ahead of us it is important to be aware of your surroundings and keep a lookout for closed roads and most of all school closures.
Check for any closures; information will be posted on the opening page. If it is not safe for you to drive to campus for class, contact your instructor. Hope all the homework is caught up because luckily Feb 6, EvCC will reopen at 10 am with all classes prior to 10 am canceled. Stay safe, stay warm: ‘tis the season to be freezing!

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