“Dark Souls III”: The Game that Hates You Almost as Much as You Love It
May 2, 2016
The time has come at last to revel in the punishing world that is “Dark Souls III.” The game known for its unrelenting difficulty. From Software’s latest and final installment in the “Dark Souls” series, you are a player thrown right into the action from square one with only a brief understanding of how the game works (i.e: little messages on the ground giving very limited controls). The enemies fall in one to two swipes of your blade or magic, and you think to yourself, “Pfft, I don’t know what all of the fuss is about. This game will be a piece of cake.” Then, in perfect “Dark Souls” fashion, you will have your feet kicked out from under you and forced to eat dirt by any and every enemy in the game.

In “Dark Souls III,” the player is put to the ultimate test against the “hallowed” undead.
Over the last few years, I have heard my friends rave about the “Dark Souls” series, while I couldn’t imagine why. Why would you want to play a game where you are basically supposed to die over and over again to send yourself into a controller-shattering rage? Well, that’s the beauty of it. The feeling you get after killing an enemy or boss that has given you trouble in the past is almost like a high because the game didn’t hold your hand or help you. You only have yourself to thank for your glorious victory. But, with every victory comes defeat after agonizing defeat, and just like before, you have only yourself to blame. With no set difficulty, players are forced to learn and adapt to the game that punishes even the smallest of errors. Short strategy and perfection are the only ways you are going to make it out of the fantasy world of Lothric in one piece.

Punishment is given to even the slightest error in the renowned Triple A title “Dark Souls III.”
In what could take dozens of hours, I myself have around forty hours in the game and haven’t even come close to discovering what “Dark Souls” has in store.
I would give “Dark Souls III” a 4.5/5 stars for its stunning visuals-gripping story, and challenging boss fights. This is the sequel that the series has been long deserving of and long overdue. I recommend this title to anyone up for a video game challenge only few will complete. So strap on your boots, praise the sun and jump into this incredible gaming experience.