10 Years Later: The “Merc with a Mouth”
February 29, 2016
Ever since a test footage leak a few years back, comic book culture has been circling around the name Deadpool. Marvel fan favorite, Wade T. Wilson aka Deadpool, takes to the big screen in his first stand alone movie, which has been smashing box office records and its hard to wonder why.
In what could be the best casting choice for Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds delivers and captivates audiences into believing that he really is Deadpool. And, diehards know when asked what he looks like in the comics, Deadpool responds with “A mix between Ryan Reynolds and a Shar Pei”. Deadpool left me as well as everyone else in the theater cracking up laughing with his special brand of shit talking.
Now, as some of you remember (or at least tried to forget) that this isn’t Deadpool’s first appearance on the big screen.

“Deadpool” has constant fourth wall breaks and insults give a refreshing take on the superhero genre.
In the “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” movie Deadpool was played out like a villain with severe changes to his backstory and who could forget the worst part where THEY SEWED HIS MOUTH SHUT!? This was really disappointing for all Deadpool fans, because the casting of Ryan Reynolds was almost too good to be true, it felt like a real disservice to the “Merc With a Mouth.”
In true Deadpool fashion, the movie made note of this when “shit goes sideways in a colossal way” with an immediate camera shot change to an action figure of his previous movie. This is one of many jokes and classic fourth wall breaks that make Deadpool well, Deadpool.

Deadpool, played by Ryan Reynolds, alongside X-Men’s Negasonic teenage warhead played by Brianna Hildebrand.
The action in this movie is top notch, with an excellent mix of practical effects and CGI which perfectly captures Deadpool’s true badassery.
The only flaw that this movie had in my opinion was not being long enough. While it was plenty long, I found myself having so much fun watching this movie that I didn’t want it to end.
After grinning for almost all of this movie, I can say without a doubt that Deadpool lives up to the hype and has earned my approval for a 4.5/5 stars! The only people I would not recommend this to would be kids, since it is very vulgar and outlandish that shouldn’t (and doesn’t) cater to kids. But hey, “Deadpool” is here in the best way possible.