There’s been an awakening, “Star Wars” is back: A Review
There’s been an awakening, have you felt it? The Sci Fi/Space Opera saga is back! J.J. Abrams newest addition to the “Star Wars” universe has become a box office juggernaut, smashing sales records grossing over $1.5 billion in its first four weeks.
For as long as I can remember, Star Wars has been as big a part of my life as eating and sleeping. So, before going to see this I held J.J. Abrams to a high standard in hopes that this movie can live up to the name that is “Star Wars.” “The Force Awakens” delivers as an exciting new adventure that warms the nostalgic hearts of life long fans.
“The Force Awakens” takes place roughly 35 years after the events of “Return of the Jedi,” and brings the new characters pitted against all odds as the new “resistance” taking on the new and improved empire now known as “The First Order” in the hunt to find the last remaining jedi, Luke Skywalker.
Fan favorites Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hammill all reprise their roles as the universe saving trio. JJ Abrams also brings in a new cast with relatively unknown characters Finn played by John Boyega, Rey played by Daisy Ridley, Poe Dameron played by Oscar Isaac, and the erratic new dark jedi Kylo ren, played by Adam Driver.
This year’s Star Wars delivers on all aspects with beautiful camera shots, excellent dialogue and fast paced action from start to finish. If you are a long time fan, or a first time watcher, strap into your starship, start up hyperdrive, and fly to your nearest theater for this action packed thrill ride. “Star Wars” is back!
After seeing it for the fourth time, I can say without a doubt “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is the real deal and would give it 4.5/5 stars!

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