An Update from the September Board of Trustees Meeting
The EvCC Board of Trustees have recently posted their minutes from their September board meeting. The meeting opened with a report from interim president Darrell Cain before a roll call.
The board held a retreat which was seen as a chance to work together and continue to grow the working relationship of the board. Here it was said that trustee Betty Cobbs would take the leading role on the presidential search committee.
The main thing of note from the meeting was out of Classified Union Representative, Stephanie Doyle. The minutes quoted Doyle as saying “evaluations were not being done and that job descriptions don’t match their duties.” Doyle also claimed that “the college has this year to be in compliance for next year. (and that the) staff are overworked and financial aid is still one month behind.”
Another piece from the meeting was EvCC VP of Finance Shelby Burke giving a report on the budget of EvCC. Cobbs noted that “it was concerning to see low reserves.”
The board spent 30 minutes in executive session but no action was taken. The meeting was then adjourned shortly after.
These notes from the September board meeting are being reported now as they were posted on January 9th to the EvCC Board of Trustees minutes and agenda page. At the time of writing this, no more-recent minutes have been published.

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