Holiday Lights and Entertainment at Tulalip Casinos
Three million lights on display at the Quil Ceda Resort Casino
With the holidays in full swing, it’s a good time for a short trip north of campus up I-5 to the Tulalip Casino venues in Marysville and take in the spectacular light displays featuring more than three million lights.
There are three locations to visit. The Quil Ceda Creek Casino, Tulalip Bingo and Slots and Tulalip Resort and Casino. And the best part of the trip is it’s absolutely free! Take the time and snap some beautiful wintry photos, or if you are feeling spontaneous, hit the ice skating rink at Tulalip Amphitheater open daily until January 8th prices may vary.
“We welcome visitors to drive by and view the magical displays at all the properties, stroll the grounds, strap on skates and join the fun as we kick-off this grand new holiday tradition,” said Martin Napeahi, general manager for Quil Ceda Village.
For more information visit the Quil Ceda Village Lights & Ice webpage.
Information taken from the original source, here.

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I can usually be found in the forest photographing anything interesting....