How EvCC Is Affected as Washington Moves Into Phase 2
As Washington moves into Phase 2, EvCC’s campuses are slowly opening back up for certain employees and a few in-person classes.
As Washington enters phase 2, citizens are encouraged to continue wearing face coverings in public to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Snohomish county officially moved into Phase 2 of Gov. Jay Inslee’s re-opening plan on Friday Jun. 5. EvCC President Dr. Daria Willis made an announcement over email on Jun. 8 that EvCC will be following Washington’s phase 2 regulations. Updates can be seen on EvCC’s website.
According to President Willis’ announcement, “All lectures will be held online only. We will use physical distancing in labs whenever possible, but labs and training where distancing cannot be maintained are allowed and in those circumstances,” said Willis. “We will use other virus prevention strategies.” The only lab that will be added to Spring quarter is Cosmetology which began in-person instruction on Wednesday, Jun. 10.
While on campus, all students and employees are required to wear facial coverings unless they are working alone with no chance of interaction with other people. See more information about safety protocols here. This also complies with state guidelines for Safe Start.

Employees who are not currently working on campus will be notified by their supervisor if they need to do any on-campus work. Currently, some essential employees and some instructors have been working on campus, Phase 2 allows some non-essential employees to return to in-person work on a limited basis to perform high priority tasks.
EvCC’s campus remains temporarily closed, unless you are a student on campus for class or an employee engaged in high-priority work. EvCC now has drive-in Wi-Fi available at the east end of parking lot E across from Whitehorse Hall. Library resources are available online.
“It is extremely important we all continue to do our part in keeping ourselves and our communities healthy and safe,” said Willis in the announcement. Willis also explained how under the new rules, the state Secretary of Health can move Snohomish County back to Phase 1 if a large outbreak of the virus occurs. “So keep washing your hands, wearing your mask, and taking care of yourself!”

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