EvCC’s Student Senate Makes $175,000 Chromebook Purchase
EvCC’s Student Senate approved spending $175,000 from the student eTech fund to purchase roughly 700 Chromebooks for students to use at home while the campus is closed.
EvCC’s Student Senate approved spending $175,000 from the student eTech fund to purchase roughly 700 Chromebooks. EvCC is also funding the purchase of an additional 400 Chromebooks.
EvCC ASB President Araceli Daza went in depth on the reasoning to purchase the Chromebooks. “We wanted the transition to learn remotely to be a smooth transition for students,” said Daza. She explained that the EvCC Student Senate hopes to relieve some of the financial burden on students this quarter. “With several students depending on the school being open for computers we knew we had to find a way for students to have access to a device in order for them to complete their coursework,” said Daza.

EvCC President Dr. Daria Willis says that she hopes that this recent purchase will “equal the playing field by providing access to technology that will aid in the completion of their coursework.”
Daza also recommends utilizing some of the other resources available for students struggling with remote learning this quarter. Some of these helpful resources include the tutoring center or Student LIFE.
According to a press release published Apr. 3, 2020, for students to receive a Chromebook they must be currently enrolled in at least one credit for spring quarter and have paid for their classes, have a tuition payment plan through the Cashiers Office or be receiving financial aid. To submit a request for a Chromebook visit EvCC’s Student Portal at EverettCC.edu/MyEvCC. If you have questions contact EvCC Information Technology at 425-388-9333.
EvCC students can also request one of a limited number of Wi-Fi hotspots from the EvCC library at [email protected].

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