While finishing a still life painting, Loomis laughs with surrounding artists in the studio.
Studio Art Major Annie Loomis
a Day in the Life
Paint, graphite, and eraser shavings are all something Studio Art Major, Annie Loomis, sees on a daily basis. Since a young age, Loomis has been creating works of art. She was well known for her detailed drawing and overall talent at her high school.
This quarter, Loomis is taking two art classes: life drawing and painting, along with two regular class, yoga and English. Add commission work and her internship with student life, Loomis is always busy. Although the art world isn’t promising to most, Loomis has a plan. After finishing her degree this year, she plans to work for a few years before furthering her education due to high tuition at art schools.
Follow Loomis around a full day while she is studying towards earning her degree.