The Walt Price Student Fitness Center is available to all EvCC students for free use during normal business hours. Located at 2206 Tower Street.
New Quarter Resolutions: New Year, New Quarter, New You
New Years resolutions are old news and people aren’t really doing them anymore, or are they? Well, not in the same traditional sense but people do still set goals at the beginning of something new to improve themselves, to do better and ultimately to be more happy.
Students at EvCC are looking to the new January quarter with fresh eyes and with new motivation to do better than the last and they’re setting goals to accomplish this.
Iktali Solano, psychology student on her second year here at EvCC said that her personal new quarter resolutions are, “to manage my time better, to go to the gym more and have time for friends while working two jobs and going to school.” Michelle Hecker
Students may not be calling them “New Year Resolutions,” but they are definitely setting goals and looking to this new January quarter with perspective and wanting to improve from the last quarter and year.
Being more healthy and getting to the gym seems to be one that effects all the other areas for students. The Walt Price Student Fitness Center located just down the hill and East from the main campus at 2206 Tower Street, offers hours 6 a.m. -9 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to noon on Saturdays.
Jan Allen, program coordinator at the Walt Price Student Fitness Center said, “New Year resolutions are always good to improve yourself and take on new healthy habits…making them stick is always good too.” Allen also stated that they have free gym use at the fitness center but also offer exercise classes for elective credit. Classes such as yoga, tai-chi, kick-boxing, weight training and more are available to take for elective credit classes.

Jan Allen, program coordinator at the Walt Price Student Fitness Center states,
“New Year resolutions are always good to improve yourself and take on new
healthy habits…making them stick is always good too.”
Drew Beam, sociology major in her first year at EvCC, said, ”I think it’s great everyone thinks about them but I don’t think they stick. I think the little ones don’t work but the big ones stick, like finding a job or going back to school, long term ones work.” Beam continued on to say that time management is something that she would consider a “new quarter resolution” of hers to work on. While working 20-40 hours at the college bookstore, (mostly 40 hours during the first couple weeks of the quarter, “rush week”) and being a full time student she would also like to work on eating enough and remembering to stay hydrated, and not on coffee.
Making “New Quarter Resolutions” may not be such a different concept than “New Year Resolutions” but it seems to help EvCC students take little bites of the whole year and make improvements throughout. Resolutions aren’t so bad after all.