Tarantino is back with his 13th installment: “The Hateful Eight”
January 25, 2016

Samuel L. Jackon plays the savvy, foul mouthed, and quick witted war veteran turned on the spot detective Marquis Warren.
Imagine if Hasbro had made an expansion set for the popular board game CLUE, and set it in the post-civil war western era. Followed by someone deciding to make that expansion game into a movie, and have it directed by the king of violent movies himself Quinten Tarantino!
That’s right the savvy dialog, stunning cinematic, violent wild card mastermind Tarantino is back in his newest box office movie since the hit Django Unchained. In this western murder, “who dun’ it?” Hollywood greats and Tarantino Favorites like Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russel, Tim Roth, and Michael Madsen return to the big screen to flip the script and ask questions first and shoot later, but don’t worry violence hungry Tarantino addicts, there is plenty of the action you all know and love.

John The Hangman Ruth played by Kurt Russell aims down Major Marquis Warren played by Samuel L. Jackson
With incredible performances from all eight main characters, I found it hard to pick my favorite of the bunch. If you were to include my personal bias, then Samuel Jackson took the cake. Tarantino doesn’t shy away from shots and scenes some might be uncomfortable and offended with to express his own creative ideas, so you have been warned.
At some moments, the pacing of “The Hateful Eight” was a bit slow for a Tarantino but picks up pretty quickly when noticed. All in all, this was an absolutely great movie that kept the theater on its toes as everyone tries to figure out what happened and who did it I will easily give this movie 4/5 stars! Be sure to try and see “The Hateful Eight” in theaters in 70mm if you can, to really capture Quentin Tarantino’s creative vision.