How Much Does Your College President Make and Why?

A look into college presidential salaries in Washington state

Adrienne Plummer

Salaries of presidents at community colleges in Washington state, according to, a government website that lists salaries of Washington State Employees (2017 Numbers).

Dr. Daria Willis has been approved for a three-year contract as President at EvCC. Her salary will be $241,000 per year.

Presidential salary can vary greatly between different colleges, as shown in the graphs. According to a survey of community college presidents lead by the American Association of Community Colleges, “Compensation varies considerably by institutional characteristics, such as enrollment, urbanicity of the college, and complexity of the college and region of the country the college was located.”

Adrienne Plummer
Salaries of presidents at state colleges in Washington according to data from, a government website that lists salaries of Washington State Employees (2017 Numbers).

The data collected by this survey made it clear that presidents at colleges with complex campus’ (multiple branches) and higher enrollment numbers received a more generous base salary. The survey also found that salaries are increasing steadily, from 2014-2015 there was a 2 percent increase in median salary for college presidents

Here’s a look at what other community and state college presidents make, as well as the cost of living index according to Best Places, a website that collects data on the cost of living as well as other related information. Each college’s city is represented in the graphs.

Adrienne Plummer
Cost of living index in the cities of community colleges. Data retrieved from, a website that collects data on the cost of living.

A cost of living index is a way to measure how expensive it is to live in a city.  For the U.S., 100 is the average cost of living index, anything above is more expensive and anything below is less expensive. For Washington state, the average cost of living index is 131.

Adrienne Plummer
Cost of living index in the cities of state colleges data retrieved from, a website that collects data on the cost of living.

The cost of living index is measured by averaging out all cost of living categories with each category weighted in different percentages; housing at 30 percent, food and groceries at 15 percent, transportation at 10 percent, utilities at 6 percent, health care at 7 percent and a miscellaneous category which includes cost of clothing, services and entertainment. All categories are measured for each city and add up to get the cost of living index number.