Michael Rhodes
Two construction workers working on the new EvCC student housing building on Jan. 28, 2016
EvCC is now taking applications for students to live in the new student housing building that will be opening in fall of 2016.
Due to the outstanding number of students who had applied to student housing in the past and the low amount of spaces available, EvCC is providing more student housing to students in need.
According to the director of housing, Lea Wasson, “[Rent] is $895 a month. The students do pay quarterly however. For example, fall is a four-month quarter, so [students] would pay $3580. That would be the fall price. That covers all furnishing, all utilities, and wireless Internet.”
Student Jessalyn Reiter said, “I think student housing is good because it’s close to resources, classes, nearby teachers, and you can get help faster because you’re so close.” Another student, Grace Stephens said, “Students probably come from further away. So they would need a place to stay and it’s convenient to be on campus.”
To apply for the new housing, students can go online to www.everettcc.edu/housing. Applications can be filled out and submitted online with a $150 application fee. Service animals, emotional support animals and fish are allowed in the student housing but companion animals are not. Students must at least eighteen years or older and be a student at EvCC to apply. Admittance is on a first come first serve basis.
“Students can also use their financial aid to pay for housing as well. We offer payment plans.” Wasson says, “If a student cannot make that full quarterly payment all at once we do offer the twenty forty payment plan, similar to tuition.”
The building that is currently being used for student housing will be torn down and rebuilt to be open to students as well in the fall of 2017.

“All of these rooms in this new residence hall are all private rooms and they all have private bathrooms. It’s very similar to micro housing that is becoming very popular in the Seattle area. Each floor has a shared kitchen.” Said Wasson.
When asked if living in student housing would help her education, student Kaela Pelouquin said, “because it’s closer to campus it would be easier to focus on school. I would be able to reach the sources I need for different classes.”
EvCC housing is having a contest to name the new residence hall and win $250 from Koz Delepment. To enter the contest, go to www.everettcc.edu/housing.